Philosophical Approach to Addiction Bruce Wilshire’s book, Wild Hunger, offers a compassionate and unique understanding of the roots of addiction in our society. The book explores the [...]
Reconnect with the Wild in Sobriety What better way to feel alive than to adventure into unknown, mysterious, and beautiful places in Nature? You could have killed yourself with alcohol or drugs, [...]
Sobriety Is Not Boring There is a huge misconception about recovery from addiction that being sober is boring. Many people worry about committing to sobriety because they won’t be able to have [...]
Current Icons with Depression The second half of this list (first half can be found here) moves into some more recent icons with depression. So let’s jump back into it: famous people who have [...]
Get in Shape When You Get Sober You are going to lose a ton of weight when you stop drinking, just from lowering your caloric intake. Alcohol has a ton of calories in it, about twice more than [...]