Sky is the Limit in Sobriety

 In Addiction & Recovery Ins and Outs, Life in Recovery

What Will I Do When I’m Sober?

This is a very common question and concern heard in rehab—that there will be nothing fun to do now that you’re sober. What will I do if I don’t drink? What is there to do in sobriety? Here is your answer: ANYTHING but drink or do drugs. Literally, the sky is the limit in recovery.

Think of all the things you’ve missed out on because of addiction. Once you are sober, you have the chance to really, fully live your life. If you feel like you lost years of your life, this is your chance to fill the years you have left with wonder and adventure and learning and love.

If you want a few ideas though… here is a list of some awesome things to do in sobriety.

Sky Diving Sober

Okay, okay, I know this isn’t something most people would think to do regularly. It’s kind of extreme, but that is what I mean by the sky is the limit. Some people have always wanted to do something like sky diving, but never got around to it. Why not? Give it a try, it’ll make you feel alive and invigorated.

See things from a real bird’s eye view and feel the freedom of surrender. And anyway, you kind of have to be sober for this— so that part is easy.

Travel Abroad in Recovery

Ever wanted to see the world? You can. So many people limit themselves and decide that certain things like travel are unreachable. Travel is not unreachable. Think of the resourcefulness and energy you put into getting high during your addiction.

I’m not saying you should steal so that you can afford a plane ticket, but there is always a way. Go on the adventure you’ve always dreamed of.

Making Art After Addiction

Studies show that addicts and artists share quite a few key traits, so you might already be an artist and not realize it. Take a painting or a ceramics class, learn how to play the cello, get voice lessons and join a choir. Art is a fun, deeply human, cathartic activity and it has therapeutic benefits.

Plus, there are a ton of activities that making art might lead you to— like gallery openings, plays, concerts, museum events, and so on.

Go Back to School Sober

Expanding the mind is always a worthwhile endeavor. It may not seem exciting to everyone, but learning can fascinate you and open the mind to a whole new world of thought and experience. It can also turn you on to a career or a community that you love.

Whether it’s medicine, philosophy, Russian, literature, anthropology, you name it, it’s worth doing. Education can be deeply rewarding, enriching your identity, thoughtfulness, and life.

Dream Job in Recovery

Not everyone has a dream job, but some people have always wanted to be a veterinarian or a zoo keeper or a pilot. Don’t be afraid to chase the dream. You might have to go back to school or start at the bottom, but most careers are achievable—you just have to put in the work and get the prerequisites needed.

Don’t settle for a job you don’t like. Everyone starts somewhere, but you can keep moving towards where you want to be.

Connect with Recovery Community

Make connections with people now that you are sober. In addiction, people often isolate themselves and feel very alone. That is over now, though. You don’t have to be alone. There is a huge community of people in recovery, organized through alumni associations and AA chapters.

Put yourself out there and meet people, make friends, talk, be vulnerable, and have fun. Maybe you’ll even meet a romantic interest and fall in love. Feeling included in a community makes us feel accepted, loved, joyful, and supported.

Endless Opportunity in Sobriety

These are only a few things to do once you are sober, but there are so many more things—all of the things, except drinking and doing drugs. Not only can you do tons of things, you get to do them.

Addiction holds people down, keeping them from so many enriching experiences. Once you get sober, millions of possibilities open up. Don’t limit yourself.

If you want to start living like this—full of life and limitless—but are struggling to get sober, you are not alone. There are tons of people out there who have been where you are now and who want to help you. Call (877)670-8451 to talk to one of these people and make a plan of recovery.

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