Alcohol Treatment for Residents of Louisiana

Louisiana is home to some of the oldest and richest history in the United States. Its mixture of Cajun and French influences, along with its Southern charm make it a stand-out state that prides itself on its cuisine and fun festivities. But along with all of this comes an underlying issue that also makes Louisiana susceptible to a growing threat. The overindulgence of the party lifestyle in Louisiana breeds the likelihood of alcohol dependency. Some good news, at least is that there is a wide selection of Baton Rouge substance abuse clinics in the state’s capital.

Throughout history, alcohol has played an important role in all societies for its ritualistic value and abundance. Alcohol has also been the cause of the condemnation of those who abuse it. “Drunks” have always been considered the outcasts of civilizations. The perception of such individuals has been nothing short of brutal. But scientific progression has grown exponentially and has discovered that alcohol dependency is in fact a disease, not a crime or a deficiency in moral compass. Therefore, it is only appropriate that it be treated as such. At A Better Today, we understand that those who suffer from alcohol addiction are not bad people, actually quite the contrary, they are actually incredibly hypersensitive individuals with a lot of care and compassion who have been numbed by alcohol. We focus on returning those back to the beautiful people they truly are.

Imprisonment and institutionalization have been the common solutions to alcoholism. The care for the alcohol dependent has been counter-productive and carless. Over half of the individuals who are jailed for drug and alcohol offenses get released and go back within a year. That does not include crimes that are the result of substance abuse. It is extremely common for those who abuse alcohol to have low self-esteem as a result of behaviors while under the influence, and in many cases, drinking is the result of low self-esteem. It is a vicious cycle of self-loathing that is irrational. Jail only intensifies those feelings which in turn leads to further consumption of alcohol to cope.

So, clearly this is not an effective or viable solution to the problem. It has been proven that treatment is the more humane and healthy approach to dealing with this affliction. Society at large is in need of a shift in outlook on the individuals that suffer from alcoholism. A Better Today has joined the fight to combat such flawed and factually incorrect perceptions by providing quality care and support for those who struggle with this impairment.

The treatment process consists of detox and inpatient rehabilitation. There is also the option of continued care once discharged from rehab including sober living and intense outpatient treatment. A Better Today utilizes evidence-based treatment that has been recognized as yielding the best results.

Detox and Withdrawal

It is impossible to have a worthwhile experience in rehab if the alcohol is still active in the body. This is why A Better Today employs the medically assisted detoxification process as the first stage of treatment. Alcohol withdrawals can be intense as well as fatal. Abrupt discontinuance of drinking can cause the body to go into seizures that can result in death. Withdrawal symptoms are also the reason why many people cannot stop drinking. The body and mind crave alcohol after it has become accustomed to consuming it on a regular basis, making it difficult to quit. Withdrawal symptoms include, but are not limited to sweating, vomiting, shaking, anxiety, hallucinations, and insomnia.

Medically assisted detox helps ease the severity of withdrawal symptoms by using counteractive medications that are decreasingly administered within a certain period of time. Detox can alleviate or minimize these symptoms as to weaken the temptation to revert back to alcohol and avoid life threatening seizures.

The A Better Today Way of Rehabilitation

A Better Today employs licensed therapists that are trained, educated, and experienced in various approaches to therapy. We provide several different forms of therapy so that clients have a much greater chance of being exposed to methods that work for them. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. Everyone has a different outlet that works for them. A Better Today uses the avenues of therapy that have been most successful including group and individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, exercise and nutrition, equine therapy, and music and art therapy.

Perhaps one of the most effective methods of rehabilitation is individual therapy. Clients meet with a licensed therapist in a confidential and private environment in order to address issues that have been hindering them, and get to the root of the underlying issues that provoked alcohol abuse. Honesty is a key component of self-discovery and self-improvement. The private setting of individual therapy allows a person the comfort they may need in order to address his/her issues openly.

Group therapy has also proven to be extremely beneficial. In many cases, people lose their ability to efficiently communicate in a healthy manner. In other cases, people may have used alcohol to help them socially. Either way, group therapy allows clients to communicate honestly without alcohol among peers and develop communication skills that have been jaded in active alcohol dependency.

Other methods including music and art therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are effective forms of self-expression. They allow people to rid themselves of emotions and thoughts that have been dragging them down for so long.

Exercise and nutrition have also proven to have a direct correlation with mental health. Being physically active boosts dopamine levels that were once the job of booze. Physical fitness is also a huge self-esteem booster. Having a healthy self-esteem decreases the chances of succumbing to alcohol abuse. For those who enjoy incorporating meditation and physical activity, A Better Today offers yoga as well.

Sober living and intensive outpatient treatment are not a part of treatment, but they are available and recommended. It is common to get out of rehab and be overwhelmed with life. This can be detrimental. Continuous treatment helps ease the transition into society in a way that maintains a certain level of accountability. The chances of long-term sobriety are greater if these programs are utilized. Treatment does not stop once discharged from rehab. It is a constant assessment of actions and emotions. It is important to keep close ties to the services offered in sobriety as it brings a sense of healthy involvement in a community.

Interventions Can Help

In many cases, the families and friends of a struggling alcohol dependent person may find it difficult to convince their loved one they need help. The person may be in denial about the severity of his/her affliction with alcohol or they may just feel too hopeless to believe they can get better.

Interventions can assist in the process of convincing them to go into treatment, which is the ultimate goal. Intervention specialists are not necessary, but they are recommended. It is of utmost importance that the intervention is done in a way that encourages the struggling person as opposed to assassinating his/her character. Remember, they are probably already overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem. Addressing qualms in a way that does not amplify these feelings is vital. The intervention specialist can help the family and friends effectively convey their concerns in a way that is beneficial.

A Better Today is Here for You

Traveling is highly recommended for treatment. The value of removing a person from the grips of their disease is paramount. The chances of obtaining the tools that treatment offers decrease dramatically when being so close to old people, places, and things. Ridding those temptations allows a person to focus on his/her recovery and not be constantly overwhelmed with feelings of temptation that could be easily accessed if remaining in that comfort zone.

Financial concerns should not be an issue. A Better Today accepts most insurance policies and private payment. We also offer scholarships to assist in the payment for treatment. But do not let your financial situation discourage you. Whatever the circumstance, there are options available.

Please do not allow guilt and shame keep you from getting the help you need and obtaining the life you deserve. Alcohol addiction is a disease that many others have suffered. Many have also sought the treatment they so desperately needed and are now living lives they may have never imagined while being controlled by the harsh grips of alcohol. You can too. Don’t be a statistic. Give yourself a break. You may not be able to recognize it now, but we know that you are worth it.

Call us today at (520) 288-8484.

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