Augusta, Georgia is Battling the Bottle
It is easy for an individual to forget alcohol is, in fact, a drug and very easy to become dependent on. There are 1.4 million drunk driving arrests in the United States annually. That said, a common question asked is, “Why is it that an individual continues drinking when their life has become unmanageable?” Common excuses include: “Drinking helps me feel comfortable in my own skin” or “I cannot deal with my problems without drinking.” Those excuses may be true for that moment in time, but upon awakening all the issues drinking appeared to solve are still there. In reality, using alcohol can make matters worse. Consequently, people abusing alcohol as a coping mechanism fail to realize the internal damages to themselves as well as the external damage they cause to others.
What are the Dangers?
Alcohol abuse takes a toll on the body’s organs like the heart and liver. External consequences also arise while an individual becomes dependent on alcohol, including tension with family and friends. Overall, abusing alcohol causes more harm than it does good.
Long-term alcohol abuse can result irregular heartbeat, making you feel short of breath, as well as, causing severe chest pain. Consequently, the pain will cause blood pressure to rise which could result in heart failure and even death.
Alcohol affects the heart, as well as the liver. Liver cells are damaged during the break down of alcohol, causing scarring and inflammation. Two of the most common alcohol-related liver diseases are steatosis and cirrhosis. Steatosis is the earliest stage of liver disease. It is due to the buildup of fat on the liver and can be reversed by making healthy choices and abstaining from alcohol. If drinking continues, the chances of developing cirrhosis increase.
Cirrhosis transpires when liver cells are replaced with fat causing scaring. Cirrhosis is the most advanced of all alcohol-related liver disease and cannot be reversed even while making healthy life choices and abstaining from alcohol. Despite the health conditions alcohol conveys, it comes with a multitude of external consequences.
Alcohol can change a person by amplifying behavioral problems that interrupt social and work life. Alcoholism is looked at as a “family disease.” Meaning alcohol does not only affect the abuser but all individuals around them. That said, it is common for the alcohol abuser to isolate inside the bottle. Because of this, the people closest to the alcoholic to feel neglected, stressed and anxious. Alcoholism destroys families and dreams. However, alcohol does not have to control loved one’s life anymore because treatment is possible.
What is Detox?
Alcohol withdrawals occur while an individual is decreasing alcohol intake or stopping intake completely. When an individual becomes dependent on alcohol, stopping completely will cause a shock to the body because it has become physically dependent on alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal could result in death. Some symptoms to look out for are; anxiety, tremors, restlessness, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty concentrating and depression. It is important to seek medical attention immediately when experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Detoxification is a process of which the body is being cleansed from all toxic chemicals. A medically supervised withdrawal period is vital in any treatment plan. When an individual’s body is free from alcohol they become clear headed, allowing them to set and accomplish goals in treatment.
Recovery is Possible
As a rehab facility, A Better Today offers inpatient rehabilitation. Clients will live in our state-of-the-art facility where 24-hour quality care is provided. Upon arriving to treatment, your loved one will meet with a therapist to address co-occurring issues that could have triggered their drinking problem. The information given will allow the therapist to create a treatment plan based on their personal needs and thus, it is very important for each person to be as honest as possible so that we can provide the best treatment plan. A Better Today understands each of our clients have different stories along with different needs. We offer various therapy methods that will accommodate each individual. Some of the therapy methods include; group and individual therapy, music, art, and yoga therapy. These methods allow our clients to engage in many activities, keeping their mind busy while focusing on bettering their lives.
Group therapy is vital in any treatment plan because it will teach your loved one how to communicate with others without the use of alcohol. Group therapy also provide the tools that allows them to build a foundation and connection with others fighting the same battles they are. Individual therapy is where each of our clients will be able to address their specific needs on a more personal level. This allows them to discuss their issues in an environment where more personal matter can be discussed. As a result, our therapists will create a personalized aftercare plan.When your loved one leaves inpatient treatment they will have a solid plan to continue on in recovery.
One thing A Better Today suggests is having your loved one travel for treatment. Having your loved one hanging around the same area where they were constantly in the middle of addiction could cause a relapse. Removing the drinker from their old stomping grounds allows them to escape temptation and focus on their new life as a sober individual. If temptations do arise during treatment, they will be in a safe environment with a support system to help attack the issue, making it less likely for them to resort back to alcohol.
Putting a Stop to Alcoholism
Someone who abuses alcohol does everything possible to avoid seeking treatment. It is common for them to feel that alcohol is the answer to all their problems. In reality, it creates problems rather than solving them. Alcoholism typically stems from co-occurring issues like abuse, abandonment, mental illness and a feeling of failure. Alcoholism is progressive and does not happen overnight.
Seeking treatment is the first step in recovery. There is a possibility the suffering person is in denial about their disease and does not want to admit to their problems with alcohol. This stage is where an intervention can be useful.
A successful intervention can only occur when your loved one is coherent enough to engage in the intervention process allowing them to digest information being said. Choosing the right people to attend the intervention is key to a successful intervention because the point of it is to demonstrate to your loved one that you care about them and want them to get help with their drinking problem. A strong team includes spouses, children, parents, close friends and other family members that may have been impacted by the use of alcohol. You may feel frightened while you are reaching out to certain people because of the past they have had with your loved one and because of the alcohol usage of your loved one, several relationships may seem strained. Explaining to those individuals it is time to take action and that you are trying to get your loved one to seek help, you might be surprised to see how many are be willing to get them the help they need. An intervention should be in a stress-free atmosphere. The purpose is to get your loved one struggling with alcohol abuse into treatment. Staging an intervention may be an vital step in getting your loved one into recovery and helping to repair their lives and relationships.
Life Goes On
When someone is battling with alcohol abuse but successfully in recovery, the temptation in the real world can put stress levels at an all time high, instigating a possible relapse.
However, to continue recovery after inpatient care, A Better Today, works closely with the each patient to give them the knowledge and tools needed to prevent a possible relapse after leaving treatment. The next movement to the path of recovery is sober living. Depending on the person and their situation, there are numerous types of sober living homes and transitional livings. It is also recommended to partake in outpatient programs.
Sober livings are supervised environments. When your loved one employs the tools taught in inpatient care, it can help them achieve a lifetime of sobriety. Allowing your loved one to learn how to live life on their own terms and adapt to being outside a controlled environment is best done at a sober living facility. A Better Today’s goal is to have the suffering person feel self-confident and ready to handle daily tasks without the use of alcohol. Our facility will do what it takes to give your loved one a better quality of life and not just teach them how to live life sober.
What if You Don’t Think You can Afford Treatment?
Finding the best treatment plan starts with calling A Better Today now and speaking with an intake specialist. A Better Today will work with you and find the best treatment plan possible, regardless of the finical situation. Our facility accepts most private insurance plans that often cover most or all of the cost for treatment. However, insurance is not the only option we offer. There are private pay plans for individuals not attending treatment with insurance and we offer affordable payment plans.
Do not wait until it is too late. Call A Better Today for a better now: (520) 288-8484.