Losing Yourself to Alcohol Abuse in Oklahoma
Oklahoma is located in tornado alley, which is a swath of land ravaged by tornados throughout the year. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there have been over 5,000 tornadoes in the state since 1950. Tornadoes are unpredictable, colossal weather events that obliterate everything in their path. In a similar vein, those who abuse alcohol can cause serious damage to those around them and behave in erratic ways that are uncharacteristic of their sober personas.
People who abuse alcohol are at risk to themselves and everyone around them, so it’s vital to make sure they are provided help with their problem. A lot of substance abuse is driven by a genetic disposition. Children of parents who had substance abuse issues are far more likely to gravitate towards substance dependence. Since substance dependence is mostly brought about by genetics and social factors, those who abuse them are seen to have an illness and not a defect of will or moral failing. They are simply people who are in need of help.
The Chaos of Alcohol Dependence
According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction, approximately 88,000 people die each year from alcohol-related causes in the United States. Accordingly, it is the third leading preventable cause of death in the country. When people begin drinking to change their mood or mask pain, they are going down a road of dependence.
As the person drinks more excessively, their body adjusts to the presence of alcohol and develops a tolerance. When this happens, it will take more and more for the person to drink in order for them to feel the full spectrum of alcohol’s effects. Excessive drinking will, over the long run, invariably alter their brain chemistry. When the brain chemistry is altered to a point of dependence, the person will need to get help before they hurt themselves or others.
At this point, either the abuser has to get help or they need their family to intervene. Often times the abuser may not be willing to acknowledge their problem, so they might be resistant to the idea of getting help. If this happens, the family and loved ones must come together to help guide them away from the death ridden world of addiction and into the light of sobriety.
Interventions: A Life Saving Measure
Alcohol dependence is something that severs ties and ruins the most cherished relationships, so it could be hard for family members to feel motivated to help. They might feel hopeless for the person or they have a hard time forgiving. However, it’s important for the family members to realize that if someone is dependent on alcohol, their actions aren’t really up to them. They have an illness.
When you are making the decision to help your loved one with alcohol abuse, you are taking a life-saving measure. Knowing when someone needs to have an intervention is not an easy decision. It’s important to intervene before something tragic happens.
There are various signs that could point to someone having an alcohol dependence. If your loved one is neglecting obligations or experiencing major mood changes, it could be a sign that they are abusing alcohol in ways that are a threat to those around them.
It’s advised for those who are seeking an intervention to find an intervention specialist. Intervention specialists are able to serve as third parties who provide the expertise and neutrality necessary to administer the intervention. A Better Today has the resources to help you find someone to hold your intervention. Though we don’t have intervention specialists on staff, we are more than happy to connect you with someone who will meet your family’s needs.
The specialist will go through an interview process with the family where they will ask various questions to get an idea of the loved one’s degree of abuse. Following the interview, the family will develop a script to use during the intervention. It’s suggested that the intervention take place in a neutral, professional location that doesn’t trigger the person who the intervention is for. If the intervention is successful, the person will seek out treatment.
Traveling for Treatment at A Better Today
There are two treatment options: inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient is usually more effective, especially when the person travels to get treatment. Outpatient treatment work for some people, but is usually less effective since it is not as all-encompassing as inpatient.
Traveling for inpatient treatment is strongly suggested since it removes the individual from the environment that spawned their abuse. At A Better Today, we have state of the art facilities with 24-hour care and our staff is equipped with the expertise and compassion to provide the necessary care.
Going through Detox at A Better Today
Alcohol dependence does real damage to brain chemistry, which makes the detox process really intense for people. When someone goes through detox, which cleanses the body of the alcohol accumulated over time, they will experience withdrawal symptoms. The degree of symptoms depends on the person’s history with alcohol. They can range from shaky hands and nausea in mild cases to hallucinations and seizures in more extreme situations.
The withdrawal symptoms can be lethal, which makes it vital for a person to seek out a medically supervised detox. At ABT, we look to make your detox process comfortable and pain free for the most part. ABT administers various sedatives to help the body remain calm during the process.
When someone is going through withdrawals, their body is rebelling after being deprived of alcohol. The body goes into a shock, which manifest in the symptoms described above. Before the client goes through detox, they will be given a medical examination to determine the treatment process. The client must be completely honest during this phase so that the ABT team can create the best plan to address his or her needs.
The length of time it takes for someone to detox depends on their abuse. For most people it won’t take more than 14 days to cleanse the body. After the client goes through detox, they will be ready for treatment where they are given the opportunity to heal their minds.
Treatment with A Better Today
After detox, the real rewiring of the brain begins as the client learns the tools to stay sober. Rehab at ABT is grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy approaches. CBT focuses on changing the negative thought patterns that have lead the client to abuse alcohol. In individual therapy, the client will meet with a professional therapist to deal with whatever root issues drive them towards abuse. The therapy sessions are confidential and will remain between the therapist and the client only. During group therapy, the client will interact with peers who are going through treatment as well. Group therapy is effective because it helps the client realize they are not alone, while also allowing them to belong to a community again.
There is no definite timetable to determine when someone should complete rehab. Everybody moves at their own pace and has their own story. What’s important is that the client has the proper tools to go out into the world and avoid their former vices.
When someone completes rehab they can either go back to living where they once were or seek out a sober living situation. Sober living pairs people with others who are also in recovery in houses staffed by ABT members. Some people feel that these facilities make transitioning back into the real world much easier than living on their own again or with family. These facilities give the person freedom to work and pursue extracurricular activities, while having the accountability of the staff and peer group.
Recovery is a lifelong process for people and it doesn’t end after rehab is over. It is suggested that those who finish rehab seek out 12-step programs and counseling in order to stay sober. It’s a daily battle, but the freedom of sobriety is well worth it as you get your life back.
Paying for Treatment
A perceived road block for a lot of people in seeking treatment are the costs associated. Fortunately, ABT has a host of payment plans to help mitigate that and we take most insurances. A lot of insurance companies pay for most if not all the rehabilitation costs. The best thing you can do is call your insurance company and find out what they will be able to do for you. A better today is possible and you are deserving of that reality.